Revenge of the Bit - An Art Show by Mr Benja

Posted by Mr Benja on

8BitCubist - "Revenge of the Bit" Art Show Flyer

Have you heard the rumors? They're all true. I'm coming back with a new art show for 2019. Just in time for this year's E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), Revenge of the Bit will feature a full return to the art scene with a solo show featuring my pixel-based art offerings.

Years ago in San Diego, I started a group that wanted to do something different in the video game space. We wanted to create an outlet for people from video games to express our art a bit differently than we had seen anyone do before. Since we all grew up on games and were working in the industry, we had a common understanding, but we realized we were on some other shit. We wanted to be ourselves and have fun creating podcasts, events, and artwork that didn't have anything to do with release dates, console wars, or whatever was happening in gamer media. That outlet became known as The 8BitCubist. It was a great time. It evolved, we grew, and went silent for a bit.

Fast-forward to 2019, and we have stayed connected and have ventured into solo projects, but I always promised it would come back when the time was right. So now...I'm relaunching with an art show.

"Revenge of the Bit" will launch on Thursday, June 6th, 2019, with the opening reception being held during the popular San Pedro First Thursday Art Walk. The gallery space is Studio Three Six One, which is run by the Boston-bred photographer and creative, David Winthrop Hanson.

Studio Three Six One
361 W 14th St
San Pedro, CA 90731

RSVP Via Facebook 


Mr Benja's Secret Drop - An email list for all art releases, writing, and other projects.

Photographer David Winthrop Hanson - Site for owner and curator of Studio Three Six One

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