2019: The Year My Revenge Started

Posted by Mr Benja on

8BitCubist for your holiday

What Just Happened?

Over a year ago in 2018, I found myself at a bit of a crossroads, and didn't know exactly what to do next. Amidst a little drama, I had just left my art studio behind and was unsure of what the future held. I knew that I couldn't continue doing art the way I had been, but the next steps were really uncertain for me. 

After some soul searching and boiling down a long list of options, I decided to test out several ideas and see which one I would want to stick with. I came up with a few key paths: writing short stories, abstract print art, running workshops, eCommerce ventures, and of course, reviving The 8Bit Cubist. 

I put energy into each of these efforts and presented them to people that didn't know me from before and people that have known me for a while. Everything was going well.

But while the directions were all promising, the response I got from The 8Bit Cubist was far greater than anything I had gotten from the other ventures. Like Paul Ecdao of Thumbprint Gallery told me, "When I think of [your brand], I think of video games." I accept that, and I was actually kinda happy that people still had fond responses to 8Bit Cubist.

So yeah...I had to refocus my efforts and bring it all back.

Rebooting the 8Bit Cubist would take a fair amount of work, and there was enough to keep me busy for the entire year. All of these ventures will be rolled into projects for 2020.

Here's what Got Put Together In 2019:

  • Reworked My Art Creation Process - I had to readjust my workflow to accommodate digital creations, traditional creations, and fine art prints.
  • Reworked The Art Style - Along with the new workflow, I needed a new style that made sense for my current flow. You'll notice that I removed most media references and work solely from a pixel-based perspective now.
  • Created The New Website - The8BitCubist.com website you're reading is the central repository for all the new projects and future developments. Still working it out, but glad you're here.
  • Launched The Revenge of the Bit Gallery Show - Relaunched the art initiative with a new gallery show and set of works in San Pedro, CA to announce the return of the brand we all love. You can see the pictures here.
  • Instagram Presence Rebooted - Even though Instagram is a major force, until 2019, IG didn't get that much focused love. Instagram.com/8bitcubist
  • Facebook Presence Reinstated - The place where The 8BitCubist got its start and remains where you can probably get into the best discussions with the movement.
  • Twitter Presence Reinstated - While only a minor focus of the social media presences, you can find plenty of discussions with Mr Benja and 8BitCubist happening. 
  • Created A Fictional Storytelling Arm - By trying out a series of stories under the banner of Transcendent Press, I was able to formulate a new way of story construction as well as create a new concept for telling tales. This should be fun to incorporate.
  • Created A Zine Publishing Workflow - To put out ideas in a new format, I embraced the zine community, and thankfully, they embraced me as well. Zines and the small publication format are now part of the 8BitCubist workflow and is how I distribute numerous ideas.
  • T-Shirt and Apparel Creation - Art and fashion go hand in hand, and many of my favorite brands have been instrumental for me figuring out this crazy world. Now, I've started putting forth some of my ideas in a new way. 
  • Created The Trap Vector For Abstract Visual Ideas - For those that loved The Trap Vector, I appreciate your support. It did not receive the type of support that 8BitCubist did, so I will be integrating those ideas into future projects here.
  • Email List and Outreach - Grow and adjust the email list to work within the parameters of the new business. If you're not on the list, you can find it at Mr Benja's Secret Drop.
  • YouTube Launch - Barely happened, but it goes hand in hand with the podcast, so I reset what I was doing with the YouTube channel.
  • Podcast Launch - One of the final things of the year. I put together a new format for a podcast. There *used* to be a podcast, but it went silent for a few reasons. I just released the Intro Commercial for it, but the majority of the episodes are yet to be released. Thanks for your patience.

And for 2020?

So what does next year hold? Well if 2019 was an innovation year, then 2020 will be an execution year. Expect at least one other major art show and more of what you've come to expect. There is a lot to do.

Stay connected. You know how. I'm available, and I need your help changing the game.

The Power Button has been pushed for 2020.
Let me know something!

- Mr Benja - 

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